Hans Kastensmith

Mr. Kastensmith is the Executive Director of the Idaho Health Data Exchange. As a 5-time CEO with 30 years of experience in healthcare, he has been involved in significant healthcare reform initiatives for the government and private sectors. He has founded, managed, financed, and advised several healthcare technology, diagnostic, and care management companies. Mr. Kastensmith has experience in running both private and public healthcare enterprises and has raised over $250mm in institutional capital. He has successfully helped to shape healthcare policy with the United States Congress as a subject matter expert representing clients on several critical healthcare issues.

He serves as Managing Partner at Capitol Health Associates, a 16-year old healthcare consulting firm involved in several value-based healthcare projects with an established history assisting clients in creating first of their kind healthcare delivery and information technology initiatives. As the Founder and President of I-Trax Medical Solutions (Amex: DMX), he led the I-Trax Care Management Services offering and Medical Enterprise Data System from concept to market. I-Trax consisted of onsite clinics, nurse care management centers, and pharmacies operating large self-insured employers and health insurers care management programs. After going public in 2003, I-Trax was acquired by Walgreen in 2008 for $278 million.

Mr. Kastensmith maintains a global network in the healthcare industry and serves on Match Point Partners Operating Partners Group, is a Trustee of Medical Missions for Children, Chairman of Accountable Care Inc., and serves on the Board of Directors for Organic Genomics Inc. and moTMan Enterprises.

Speaking Engagements

HIMSS 2015 – April 15th 2015 – Intelligent Health
The Use of Patient Facing Mobile Applications in Chronic Care Management

HIMSS 2017 – February 22nd 2017 - Population Care Management Knowledge Center
The Use of Advanced Care Management Systems and Services in Support of Value Based Care

Healthcare Financial Summit – October 6th 2017 - Population Health Symposium
Data Quality in Healthcare - EMRs vs. Population Health